We advocate for our member publishers on issues that are important for the continued creation of local books, while raising awareness on issues of concern such as copyright and foreign ownership in the industry.
Marketing & Outreach
The AMBP coordinates a wide-variety of marketing and outreach projects in support of Manitoba publishers. Book Blitz, our annual catalogue of recent releases from our members is created especially for librarians and educators. We also publish Prairie books NOW, a free widely-read publication dedicated to promoting books by publishers and writers in the Prairies.
With the assistance of eBOUND Canada, the AMBP coordinated a large-scale conversion project resulting in the creation of more than 500 accessible eBooks from 10 Manitoba publishers. This project means greater access to Manitoba-published content for many readers, including those with print disabilities, and increased industry capacity for accessible publishing.
Youtube Web Series
Life of a Book: Episode 1 - "This Place: 150 Years Retold"
Welcome to the pilot episode of "Life of a Book", a project by the Association of Manitoba Book Publishers. This episode features the book "This Place: 150 Years Retold".
Host - Mel Marginet, Great Plains Publications
Guests - Brandon Mitchell, writer, Tara Audibert, illustrator, and Laura McKay, managing editor
Publisher - HighWater Press
Life of a Book: Episode 2 - "The Automatic Age"
Welcome to our second episode of "Life of a Book", a project created by the Association of Manitoba Book Publishers. This episode features the book "The Automatic Age".
Host - John Toews
Guest - GMB Chomichuk, author and illustrator
Publisher - Yellow Dog (Great Plains Publications)
Manitoba Book Awards
The Manitoba Book Awards / Les Prix du livre du Manitoba celebrates excellence in Manitoba writing, publishing, book design and illustration.
The very first award – the McNally Robinson Book of the Year award – was presented back in 1989 and now there are more than a dozen different categories recognizing Manitoba books and writers.
The Manitoba Book Awards / Les Prix du livre du Manitoba coalition includes: The Winnipeg International Writers Festival, the Association of Manitoba Book Publishers, the Manitoba Writers’ Guild, and the Winnipeg Public Library.
Find more information on the book awards website.